Ep. 23 – Using Hybrid Long-term Care to Fund Extended Care Costs in Retirement

This is part 2 of 3 in our series, “How to pay for Long-term care costs in retirement.”

Rodney Mogen and Peter Ciravalo from BC Brokerage are my guests again today and they bring a ton of knowledge on this topic! There is a reason Hybrid Long-term Care policies make up the majority of insurance products sold today. However, because there are so many different types of products and how they fit into a client’s situation, oftentimes retirees and pre-retirees can feel overwhelmed with where to start.

I hope you enjoy this episode and make sure to hit “FOLLOW” so you don’t miss out on part 3, “How to self-fund extended care costs in retirement.”

Here is how to get in touch with BC Brokerage!

BC Brokerage Website

Only Fee Only Podcast

Kevin Lao

I am the founder of Imagine Financial Security. We are a Flat Fee, Fiduciary Financial Advisor based in Jacksonville, FL. We specialize in retirement planning for blended families, tax optimization and investment management. We can work with you locally in Jacksonville or St Augustine, as well as virtually anywhere in the United States.