Month: November 2024

Ep. 57: End of Year Tax Planning Opportunities

Happy Thanksgiving, PFR Nation!

What a ride 2024 has been.  You all were a HUGE part in making this year so exciting.  Listen, it’s a lonely business that I chose…being a rogue financial planner in the independent space.  However, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. 

Given it is the season of gratitude, of course I want to give a shoutout to my team!  Zack, The Podcast Man.  Amy, our Client Services Associate.
 Mason, my shorts/social media editor.  And of course, Roberto, the backbone of our financial planning process.  I could not do what I do without all of you, and I just want to thank you for the impact you are making on the families we serve.  

So, It is the end of another year, it’s hard to believe.  For our practice, this is when we do a our end of year tax planning.  We are not only looking at opportunities for 2024, but opportunities in 2025 and beyond.  Given we are firmly planted in our tax planning season, I thought I’d share some tips and tricks for you to consider in your own retirement planning journey.  

I hope this helps.  My only ask is that you share this with a friend or family member who is “PFR Nation” caliber as I can guarantee they will also find value
in our content.  Much appreciated!



  • Whiteboard Fireside Chat playlist

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Ep. 56: Aging in Place w/Michael Levine

I’m excited for this episode, as we have a real-life retiree, Michael Levine, who successfully owned and sold a home healthcare business.  Michael spent the beginning of his career in accounting until he and his wife started their company over a decade ago.  His knowledge in the home health care space in addition to maximizing the benefits of long-term care insurance is going to be extremely valuable to all of you who are planning for your own retirement as well as caring for aging parents.

Some of the topics we’ll touch on are:

  • Why homecare?  
  • Homecare vs. Medicare
  • Hiring a home care company vs. privately
  • How does Long-term care insurance fit into Home health care?  
  • Cost of care, how to decide how much LTCi to buy?
  • Maximizing your LTC policy
  • What if you don’t have LTC…and what if our clients are stepping in to care for aging parents

I hope you enjoy this one and make sure to share it with a friend or family member who would benefit from this content.



  • Deducting your Long-term Care Insurance premiums
  • Download your free PDF on What questions to ask about your long-term care insurance policy

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